ARC Counseling, LTD
Carolynn Ballew, MSW, LCSW
Naperville, IL
Charlotte, NC
We are a Telehealth ONLY practice providing services for Illinois, Indiana and North Carolina residents.
How do I get started with therapy?
Give us a call at 331-215-7729, one of our therapists will answer or return your call and get to know you in a brief 5-10 minute call and schedule an initial appointment. The therapist will direct you to our portal where you will find our patient forms easy to fill out and submit on line. These will need to be filled out before your first appointment. Our staff will verify your insurance, if applicable. Please bring a copy of your insurance card to your first appointment and other documents you would like to share with your therapist, for example school reports or evaluations.
How often do I attend therapy and for how long?
Therapy is very personal, everyone’s needs are different. Most clients will meet with their therapist once a week for the first 2-4 weeks, sometimes twice a week is indicated. In the initial phase of therapy you will be sharing your story and your goals and getting to know your therapist. In that process the two of you will work together to establish goals and determine the length of your treatment. Some clients have a specific problem that can be addressed in a finite amount of sessions. Others have ongoing issues that they will experience different levels of growth and may require a longer treatment plan. Your therapist will recommend treatment plans and length of treatment. It is important to remember that it is always YOUR treatment and you are ultimately the person who decides how often and long therapy is effective for you.
What about Fees and Insurance?
We are in network for Blue Cross Blue Shield and accept co-payments and deductibles at time of services. In most circumstances we can bill your out of network insurance directly. For other out of network policies we collect payment in full at each session and electronically provide you a superbill that you can use to submit directly to your insurance company for reimbursement. For those clients that do not choose to use insurance we will collect payment in full at time of services and electronically provide you an invoice. A credit card will be collected and held on file at your first appointment so that at each subsequent appointment you and your therapist can concentrate on therapy instead of billing issues. Alternative methods of payment are available if you would prefer. Fees vary depending on type of service and length of session. A complete fee schedule will be provided upon request.
How is therapy with children and teens conducted?
Typically the therapist will have an initial appointment with one or both parents to discuss why they wish to seek therapy for their child or adolescent. Treatment goals are determined and recommendations for any testing or other supports will be made, if necessary. Other recommendations may include parent education or family sessions. Recommendations are just that, they are not required. Younger children are usually comforted to know that mom or dad have gotten to know the therapist and feel comfortable. Adolescents can sometimes feel threatened by parents meeting individually with the therapist first. For this reason, we have multiple suggestions for supporting each individual family’s needs, and at times it may be appropriate to meet with the adolescent first. Discussions will take place up front about the need for both an adolescent’s confidentiality to be honored while simultaneously keeping parents updated as to treatment goals and progress. While this can be tricky we have had great success with honoring both the adolescent and the parents’ needs.
We are here to make your counseling experience as easy as possible. Please call our office directly at 331-215-7729